Database of bioacoustic parameters from 16 species of frogs from the genus Pseudopaludicola.




Taxonomy, Leptodactylidae, Leiuperinae, Vocalization, Advertisement call


The database contains analyzes of the bioacoustics of 16 species of frogs of the genus Pseudopaludicola. To obtain the sample data, recordings of three species that occur in Piauí were made using a Tascam DR-05 digital recorder, and a Yoga Super uni-directional Electric Condenser HT-81 microphone; the vocalizations of the other species were requested from the respective authors and/or curators. In the bioacoustic analysis, 12 parameters were considered, namely: call duration, the interval between calls, note duration, the interval between notes (in seconds), call repetition rate (call/min), notes per call, the repetition rate of notes (notes/sec), dominant frequency (kHz), frequency modulation (kHz), presence of harmonics, bandwidth (kHz), and rise-time (in ms). Such data, in standardized analysis, are useful in the taxonomic comparison of species as it avoids the bias of isolated analyzes that do not follow the same methodology.


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How to Cite

PEDERASSI, Jonas; LIMA, Mauro Sérgio Cruz Souza; ANDRADE, Joara de Sousa; CARAMASCHI, Ulisses. Database of bioacoustic parameters from 16 species of frogs from the genus Pseudopaludicola. Latin American Data in Science, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 21–29, 2022. DOI: 10.53805/lads.v2i1.44. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 mar. 2025.

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