Database of birds sampled in the Saint-Hilaire/Lange National Park and their surroundings in 2012 and 2013, Atlantic Forest of Paraná Coast.
comunidade aves, redes neblina, pontos escuta, unidades de conservacaoAbstract
We present sampling data of bird communities registered in Saint Hilaire/Lange National Park, including surrounding areas in Matinhos, Paraná, Brazil. The data was collected in slope and lowlands Atlantic forests, below 200m altitude, in four expeditions (1–13 October 2012, 7–17 December 2012, 19–27 March 2013, and 18–26 July 2013). We used 30 mist nets (2 groups of 15 nets of 12m, mesh 30cm), opened in two days in each site (total 5400h/nets). We also registered the birds in 184 point counts (10 minutes, 50m). We captured 1666 individuals of 98 species (416 were recaptured). In the point counts, we registered 2051 individuals of 143 species. The most captured birds species were Turdus albicollis, Ramphodon naevius, Chiroxiphia caudata, Thalurania glaucopis, and Tachyphonus coronatus. In the point counts, the most frequent species were Tangara cyanocephala, Basileuterus culicivorus, Turdus flavipes, Chiroxiphia caudata, and Ramphodon naevius. The avifauna registered in modified sites in the surroundings of the National Park is influenced by the matriz and forest structure. The present study provides bird abundance and richness data for a little studied but highly diverse region, permitting evaluate the bird distribution near Saint Hilaire/Lange National Park. This information may assist future conservation actions in the area.
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