Database of bioacoustic analyses of 40 species amphibians from Serra da Mantiqueira
Anuran, Hydrographic basin, Bioacoustic parameters, South of Minas Gerais, VocalizationAbstract
This database contains bioacoustics analyzes of 40 species of amphibians from Serra da Mantiqueira in the state of Minas Gerais. Between 2015 and 2021, 34 campaigns were carried out whose sampled locations were in the municipalities of Alagoa (22°11'S; 44°36'W), Bocaina de Minas (22°09'S; 44°23'W), and Passa Vinte (22 °10'S; 44°16'W) distributed among the upper basins of the Grande, Preto, and Aiuruoca rivers. Tascam DR-05 and Zoom H6 digital recorders connected to a Rode Ntg2 super-cardioid microphone with a Shotgun condenser were used for the recordings. Twelve parameters were considered for the bioacoustic analysis, namely: call duration, the interval between calls, note duration, the interval between notes, calls per minute (call repetition rate), notes per call, notes per second (notes repetition rate), dominant frequency (kHz), frequency modulation (kHz), presence of harmonics, bandwidth (kHz) and rise-time. The data present in this work gather helpful information about the bioacoustics of the species and contribute to the identification of the species in the different locations of their occurrences.
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